So now that I've actually have comments from about 5 people I don't know [And who knows how many lurkers there are out there reading and not commenting] in real life on my blog. I'm starting to feel really quite concerned. Who are these people and why do they care what I have to say. They don't even know me, but I guess that doesn't matter I mean we listen and consider the ideas of other people all the time. (ie doctors, celebrities, teachers, not saying anyone looks to me in that way but you know what I mean) But still.... ME?!
This blog is highly personal and I don't know how I feel about people reading it especially when I know nothing about them. I never intended this blog to be anything but a journal of sorts and I certainly never tried to promote it. So here I am, do I keep writing these intimate posts or do I just give up and just use my live journal instead.
ASIDE: [Yes, I have live journal (that I don't use) because Elyse Sewell has one and I wanted to become her friend. And also I wanted to see which one I liked better, LJ or Blogger because at the time I only thought that there were two sites that offered this. Now I know better; myspace, wordpress, typepad and a whole bunch of other sites offer the same thing in different formats. Why can't there just be one that everyone is on? This is completely anxiety inducing and paralyzing because when I'm faced with too many options I become overwhelmed and either don't make a decision or just explore ever single option until I find the "right" one. As if there is a "correct" one to use. Rarely, if ever is there a "right" thing to do or choose in life, every thing is grey, I love and hate this fact. Clearly I'm psychotic, well I'm not I just have OCD/Anxiety Disorder. My doctor and therapist/counselor tell me this is the common "all or nothing mentality" associated with people with OCD. In the end I decided to use Blogger because it's more anonymous, I liked the layout better than LJ and most importantly because I didn't want all my real life friend on LJ to know how truly fucked I am.]
Well here I am again stuck, at this very moment I'm actually writing up several posts at once. Why you[nobody] say? Oh because in my sick mind I think I'm somehow going to figure out the whole world on this blog and also that I need to touch on every single goings on and minutia that ever happened, is happening, and will happen in my life. And also that I'm going to discuss everything in the world and indeed the cosmos. That somehow sitting on my bed I'm going to figure out the universe and make sense of it all. Also I'm thinking about what if this blog gets famous and a lot of people start to read this and that I don't want to post all my good post at the very beginning but instead save them when I have more readers. [Yes, it's a strange dark sticky slippery place in side my head.] All these possibilites almost debilitate me. Clearly I need some boundaries. London Preppy has very very clear boundaries in his blog. He just talks about his everyday life events on his blog that happen to him that he thinks would make for an interesting post and some minutia [like the gym] then overlays his fiction on top of it obscuring it all. No face, no names, no love, no sex nothing too personal or real. Me on the other hand no clear vision or what I want this to be, it'll end up being a craptastic melange of everything, me trying to be everything to everyone. Also I'm worried that I'll get stalkers and then they'll find me and put me into a stew. So I'm thinking if I should make an attempt to conceal my identity. But Elyse Sewell totally uses pictures of her badass self and has details of her life and she's not stew yet. But she does travel a lot so it might be hard to follow her all around the world.
So what did I decide you[nobody] ask? I'm going to just try and not to think about it. I'm just going to throw everything against the wall and see what sticks. I may or may not try to talk about the fashion world, models, the Environment, my life, queer rights and all that, and so much more. Oh and yes I think I'll keep my identity private so if you know who I am, and you know who you are, just give yourself a lobotomy :D Its really easy and fun for the whole family :F.
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I'd def stick with anonymous if I were you. Your friends know who you are and other people don't need to know. LP has a pretty good formula as far as this goes.
zach: yeah he does, except that maybe I'll use pictures and videos uncensored. Maybe. Oh and I'd also like to say thanks for commenting so much, makes me feel like a volcano! All warm and gooey inside!
Ewww. Why would you want to write about models, unless it's with a proper amount of piss-taking and not because you idolise them. As a whole, what a revolting group of people. ;-)
bolt upright: Ummm I'm not really into piss......
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