Today I went with my friend Kookie and her sister to donate blood. This is my fourth time. Next time I can donate platelets. Cool right? Yeah except some ignoramous on the street told us to walk ten minutes in the wrong direction. Nothing too cool happened.
Do they pay you when you "donate" there or are you actually donating? When I was in college they had a place to go to sell your blood. I went once but you had to wait a long time (like two hours with lots of trashy people) so I left. I wasn't that poor.
zach: No they don't. Also interesting fact that gay men still can't donate blood in Canada because they are still considered too high a risk for HIV AIDS. They are also barred from being organ donors. I just lie though every time the nurse asks me if I've had sex with a man, even once, since 1977. Sometimes I want to ask her, "How about 1976?"
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