Friday, May 23, 2008

Too many

Today I think that I have over extended myself. I'm going to have to catch up on the weekend. But to record a short description: yesterday I was on the set of a movie called spectacular! staring some stupid disney tv actor, and then today I have to go to a fitting for a TV job. I have to play a private school kid in the future.... it's for a spin off series of Battlestar Galactica. And I have to go to an interview for Cirque Du Soleil too. So the fitting, school, and interview in one day. OY VEY!

edit: I also got a job next Thursday for Kyle XY, hmm maybe I'll be sneaky and take some secret snaps of what I wear on sets.... hmmm....


Anonymous said...

I'm totally jealous! This sounds like so much fun! You know about Matt Dallas, right?

sleepyboy said...

zach: No what?

Anonymous said...

Can I come?

sleepyboy said...

pen<3: Obviously, I think it's pretty well known that all TV sets are open to the public.

Anonymous said...

wow, you get to work on Kyle XY? COol
that main guy is really cute on the show

Anonymous said... don't know. Why don't you just go and be around him a bit and then tell me what you notice. Hopefully you'll get to talk to him.

sleepyboy said...

zach: I already know he's smelly!

Anonymous said...

omg! Did you read that or experience it? so gross. I was getting more at the gay thing before, btw.

sleepyboy said...

zach: Yeah I did. I noticed that while he was giving me head that there was a really strong BO in the air.

Anonymous said...

That's what I figured. It was nice of you to let him continue in spite of his hygiene issue.

sleepyboy said...

zach: I know! I'm awaiting my saint hood. Usually I would have stopped the guy, but he was just that good!