Monday, May 5, 2008

Look at me I'm learning!

So today is the first day back to school since the "incident". I feel like I'm a criminal back at the scene of my crime. It's quite panic attack inducing. I think I'm going to have a fantasia of fits followed by a lengthy conniption that'll flow seamlessly into a completely self destructive mental break down. I think clearly that is the answer.

My first class is Calculus II, instantly depressing because half way through I realized that I don't remember shyte from Calculus I! I'm going to have to be in hermit mode for a while I guess until I can remember my differentiation rules and theorems! Unless I blow my teacher to an A. If anyone's taken calculus [and you weren't a wizard] you know the panic I feel right now.

The second class that I have is Introduction Into Ecology. This gives me a semi erection. My major is Environmental Science, so actually getting to learn about the environment is a arousing prospect instead of just plowing through general knowledge courses. It's too bad though that my Prof is about 67 years old, and talks like it too. He has a low monotone voice with a lethargic cadence to match. I wasn't tired before the class but by the end of it I was. the bastard nearly got me a few times. My eyelids felt like lead. Maybe next time I'll have to bring some music or speed. Something to keep me awake. I've already had this professor before and I knew it was him that was going to teach it but I decided to take it anyways because his tests are fair and he really is just a sweet old man that likes to mention frequently that he likes to scuba dive.

Being back at school is good though. I actually see people now instead of being sequestered in my room staring at a computer screen. But It's not all that great. I lost two of my best friends. They are a lesbian couple. They are the best friends I've made since grade 8.


ohfuckmeimfamous said...

wat you study, bytheway?

sleepyboy said...

offuckmeimfamous: My major/concentration is Environmental Science.

..... said...

well thank u man for always sendin me some nice and very clever comments !! we should definitely try to debate more on blogs !!! your opinion is pretty interestin i guess
let's find a great topic !!

sleepyboy said...

mr style: Hehhe ok sure.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, what was the incident again? My memory is not great, but I'm curious. It's okay to tell me even if it's something bad too because I will soon forget it!