Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kookie's House of Doom

I've just gone to my friends house. It's always a disaster when I go to her house because I always end up eating a lot of things that I regret. This time around I ate : yam fries, creamy layered gelatin with whipped cream on it (which we made from scratch), malt chocolate balls, fried chicken, smoothie. It doesn't sound THAT bad but because I've been eating so cleanly lately (ie only good carbohydrates, fruit and veg, no junk food and lean protein and good fats) that it had made me feel so icky. Added to this was the heat, so I felt really hot and full of fat. Also the clothes I was wearing made me really hot. (maybe I'll post a picture later because I'm pretty proud of the outfit in all honesty, I wore it to an interview) So it just felt like I was full of grease and at the same time covered in it. Today (wednesday) I have to work extra hard at the gym to work off all the fatty-ness.

Also I invariably stay really late there which is bad because I don't really call home to tell anyone where I am and they get worried. Also she has a cat and cat hair makes my eyes turn get red and itch. At her house I played a game called brain academy on the Wii with her sister and her sisters friend and i beat them both so easy. But the guy was really set on beating me but I still kicked his ass all the time. HA! My score was a b+ = 1579. One funny thing happened was that the guy is really quiet gay seeming. And I comment on it to my friend and he sister. Then my friend wondered if I put my dick in the Wii that it would give us a really fun game to play. I said I wouldn't put mine in but that we should get the flamer to do it. My friend asked how we should do this, and I said that we should tell him the Wii is a guy. HEheheheh, in jokes are great.

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