When I get home I decide to visit my highschool, it's really depressing. I talk to my old English teacher and break the news to her that I'm gay and have OCD. Really it's just too much fun for one to handle, it's positively criminal. And while I talk to her two things happen. I find out that I'm psychic. I tell her I had a dream about her getting fat and about another teacher living in a mansion. She then tells me that she's pregnant and that the other teacher had just purchased a condo. It's not spot on but it's pretty good if you ask me. And the second thing that happens is that my eye starts to hurt (presumably from my new contacts) so I tell her goodbye so that we can stop trying to find things to talk about and also so I can get home and take my contacts out. I take my contacts out and my eye still hurts. I think I have an eyelash under my eyelid. So I do what I always do. Lift my eyelid off my eye, look down, close my eye and press against my eyelid and then look up. This in effects rolls what ever is in the upper part of my eye socket come down. And then I see it a hair. I grab it and pull on it and realize it's not an eyelash. Really it's just a 2.5 inch hair. And I slowly pull it out. In a sick way it felt really really good.
Also I make plans to go donate blood. If you don't know, in Canada, if you are a man who's had sex with another man even just once you are banned for life from donating blood. Weird n'est pas? Especially when in the US it doesn't matter. You'd think it'd be the other way around. Well I just lie to those nurses right to their faces. What ever I've only had sex once so really I don't have AIDS. This'll be my 4th time. I don't get anything for you 4th time. I got a pen for my third though. After the pen you just start getting pins with numbers on them and they go all the way up to 750-1000 pin. Isn't that nuts. But Canada doesn't have cool pins like the redcross does.

Oh and also because I've donated so many times I can not only donate whole blood but donate only platelets. And this process takes a few hours and it's somewhat like dialysis where they send your blood through a huge machine which filters out the platelets and then returns the blood back to you. That's terribly exciting, I'll have to do that the next time. But I'm getting concerned because I keep donating from my left arm and they keep using the same spot, so now I have a tiny divot there :(. Oh well it's for the good of the world I guess.
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