Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday May 11 2008

I had a dream that some how I had been shrunk down into a small tiny person, the size of a Lego person, and I was in a maze under the floor of the basement and how I was fighting to get my way out. The person who put me there keeps a watchful eye on who gets in or out. They also sent a monster in the maze to kill the tiny people. But somehow a girl saved me and pushed me into a oven thing and locked it tight, the monster peered inside but could not see me, but it did massacre everyone else. I think I'll be posting my dreams from now on but I have to figure out how to make jumps in the posts so that it's just not really really long and so that people who don't care don't have to read it.[If any of the 4 people who read this blog know how to make cuts/jumps in a post please leave me a comment telling me how!] This way it'll be like a dream log. Having a dream log is the first step to lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming if you don't know (loser) is when you are aware that you are dreaming and you are able to control your dream. As you get better and better at this you can fly, have super powers, compose music, work on math problems, just sit around, even create people and have sex with them! But sex is the hardest thing to do because it's much too exciting and you just wake up. There is a Wiki-Book and a Wiki-entry on it that I got all my information from and which I will try to follow. Clearly I am going to try to reach the highest level and have my way with Evandro Soldati , but I hope I don't get wet dreams....but for him it'll be worth it :D.

The counselor told me that I should make a schedule and document everything that I do so that I know where all my time is going and how much time I actually have. It's suppose to be a week long and it's almost done. I was going to post it but I decided not to because someone might down load it and try to stalk me which is no good. But what I will show here is some found art/ sculpture that I've made am quite(not really) proud of. I think it's self explanatory. If you think you know type it into the comments and I'll say if you are right.

It's ironic, she's asking me to obsess about every hour that I spend and to write it all down. It's somewhat counter intuitive, but then again it may be better to be obsesses on staying on schedule than just not following any schedule at all and my life falling apart.....again.


..... said...

hey i cant answer your question !! even if i guess im part of the 4 people that read your blog right !? and the video ? you're in a video !!!? we need to talk dude !! soon soon

sleepyboy said...

mr style: Yes I was in a video where I was dancing around a pole in a stretch white and red rugby shirt, and black spandex short shorts.........