Friday, May 16, 2008


So I've now optioned to take an easier Calculus course for biology students. I feel like a cheater. This class is so much easier than the regular one. They omit 3 chapters that the normal one does. How is that ok? How can you allow people to walk around not knowing how to rotate curves to make 3D shapes to find their volume and surface area. This is bull shit. I feel like I should be wearing a helmet. I really feel like I want to change back to the other class but I don't know if I'll be allowed. Also the instructor of the other class is much better than this one. This one feels like she's babying us and using alternate names for rules. Like instead of the summation rule of integrals she says "divide and concur". Doesn't that just make you want wish God would smite you right there and then? In truth I should make it easier for myself coming back to school but I feel like I rather fail at something hard than succeed at something easy. It's a false sense of achievement, it's like me beating a baby at arm wrestling it's just not that great. Even if I got an A+ I would feel cheep, especially because I've taken the harder class before. I should stay in this class and just boost my GPA and shut my trap.


Anonymous said...

"I should stay in this class and just boost my GPA and shut my trap."

Yep. It's not like you're cheating in this class, are you? Do you need something from the other class that you will actually use again? If not, then you are being retarded. And I mean that in a nice way.

sleepyboy said...

zach: Well I left my pride in one of the desks.