After a long hiatus from making any any art I find inspiration and produce this. I made this with the GraffitiWall application on Facebook. The you only have brush size, opacity, and colour controls. It's a very simple program. It also as a feature where you can replay my brush strokes, so it'll look like as if you are watching me paint it in front of you. I'd post the link if it didn't show my name. So I guess I'll just post screen caps of different points of it's completion.

So naturally I want to be the bestest ever Facebooker ever to have added GraffitiWall to their page so I start to look around. I look at the public gallery and find the "This Week's Best Graffiti" and I am instantly depressed that there are other people who are just as good as I am and even more depressed that there are others who are better. My thought process at that point is as follows:
"I'm the shit!"
"OMG NOOOO I want to be the best!"
"God damn them they are better than me!"
"Hah it's okay I can still be better than them because they are probably artists in their jobs and they do digital work all the time and this is my first try at digital art like this and I'm using a mouse and you can see those cheaters are using a tablet, look at the line they drew it's too straight, they used a ruler on their tablet the cheaters!"
"Wait a minute I have a tablet too, why didn't I use it? Oh right cause it's cheating!!"
"God this guy is WAY better than me tablet or not!"
"What the hell was I thinking obviously there are other people in the world who can draw it's not only you asshole,"
Well I guess that's progress, before I might have just stopped at thinking I could still be better than them or stuck at being depressed. So then I submit my work. I get kinda pissy because they don't instantly recognize my work and place it in the "This Week's Best Graffiti". But then I take a look at recent graffiti and see other graffiti better than mine and realize they can't sift through all of the thousands of pictures submitted and find all the worthy ones.
you hate everybody?haha, dont think so, and less yourself
oh thank u dude for all your kind comments !! it's really sweet, honestly !! by the way im really feelin glad there's this cool connection between us ! u seem so sensitive and emotional ! keep it up
ohfuckmeimfamous: HRmmm, I can't tell in what way you mean that comment. In a "hah who do you think you are loser/poser" way or in a observational way. hmmm I don't know if you've read all my posts. I pretty much don't like myself and would rather be someone else. As for hating everyone, that's because you do not know how truly bitchy I can be.
mr style: Thanks! :]]]
I think the first comment meant that you were full of yourself maybe? Maybe they were jealous of your artistic abilities so they got catty. That's what I think.
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