Thursday, September 18, 2008

Medicinal Potpourri

So yesterday I go to the Doctor and she gives me my refill prescription. She asked if I was going to see the Psychiatrist again. I said no because I am not going to take classes this term and the Psychiatrist strongly communicated that she'd rather I find someone else outside of school to seek treatment from. The Psychologist also said the same thing. So the GP look disturbed by this information and said that she was going to have a talk with them because in previous appointments the multiple doctors I've seen have said that if I was planning to come back to school next semester that they would bridge the treatment. Clearly they all have a different interpretation of what "bridge" means.

Also as she is writing up my prescription I ask her if I can still donate blood while on SSRI's and she said for sure. Not that I should be donating blood because in Canada they don't accept gay men's blood, something about trying to protect the public from catching the gay. Then I ask her what they do when they harvest your organs when you are an organ donor. That if they have to make a decision where there is a very slim chance that the patient will pull through and harvesting the organs quickly as to get them on ice as soon as possible. She said that 3 doctors have to examine the patient and then they all have to agree that there is no chance that the patient will live. "They make sure that you are quite dead before they do anything." she cheerfully chirped. She then asked me if I was thinking of hurting myself as if I was panning to kill myself and then donate my organs at the same time. I said no and that I was just asking because Canadian Blood Services sent me a letter asking if I wanted to be one.

When I look at the prescription to see the amount she gave me I couldn't see any discernible number only something that looked like "pood" and I thought maybe it was just a badly draw numbers or some kind of lingo that they use to denote one month. When I go to London Drugs to fill out my prescription I ask the guy, "That's for a months worth right?" and he said, "Hmmm there doesn't seems to be a written amount here." *smack* Silly GP was distracted by my organ donor inquiry that she didn't write down the number of pills to give moi. I should have just written on the damn thing myself and put like 600. The guy asked me if I had anymore and I said no so then he just gave me a days worth and I'll have to come back tomorrow after they have called my GP to confirm.

edit: I did get my meds and I am happy for it because when I ran out for two days it was like the air suddenly turned viscous and i was super tired and nervous.

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