Wednesday, September 24, 2008


bike to school
hayley and nother girl
i see the sky train
i go there
i go up the escalator but i forget to buy a ticket
i go back down cause my friends tell me
but it's too late and the alarm goes off and 5 police peopel comme out
they poinnt their guns at me i especially remeber thet woman pointing it at me
and tell me to put my hands behind my ears and then they take a picture of me
and we get onto the sky train and they are taking me somewhere but slung around my shoulder is a M14 colt and they didn't even bothher to check that but only really cared about if i bough my tranist ticket or not
and then i point my gun at the femal officer and tell them this" you guys are retarded, you care so much about my tranist fare you didn't even check if my ASSULT rifle is working or if it had any bullets in it, and then i point it at her some mroe and i wake up .


Anonymous said...

Hey, I made it to 1337 clicks on your profile! :D

sleepyboy said...

pen^^: That's quite an achievement if I ever saw one. You deserve a cookie! *hands you a cookie*