Thursday, September 18, 2008

Underground Railroad

So see the thing about Facebook is that people don't really know how to make their profiles unsearchable or invisible when you click on someone they know's "view friend" button. So then all you really need to do is find one sucker who didn't safe guard it and they have reviled the whole network of friends. And there is no exception for the fashion industry. So keenly I've looking through many a model's friend list and was surprised at how many SUPER FAMOUS people they know. Like Coco, Ambrose Olson, Will Chalker, Sean O'pry, Freja, Gisele, Tyson Ballou, Daria Werboe Lily Cole, Hedi Silmaine and so many more. But the only one to escape my reach, ironically, is my dear Evandro Soldati. Alas I looked through all the friend lists of all of the other Brazilian models, thinking that they would friend each other, which they do, but Evandro saw fit that he would not.

BUT, there is something weird going on, all of them didn't have an Evandro but they DID have an Elana Soldati. Fake name perhaps? His sister? We will not know any time soon.

Another thing I noticed is that models from my home city don't seems to set their profiles to privet. Strange. maybe they are more down to earth and don't think everyone out there is trying to stalk them.

Another thing I found out is that Matt Loewen has his tongue pierced and he smokes. Yuck. That is such a turn off smoking. But I'd have to say I'd probably still do him if he made the slightest move on me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.