Monday, June 23, 2008

We can rebuild him, but do we have the will?

Today at the gym there was a guy there and he was so tall and statue like, judging by how his clothes hung to his body he has a nice one, sigh, huge white guy and I was so jealous and then another white guy came along and was really good looking too. I looked at them and was like "pshh who do you think you are" while mentally forcing myself not to look at them because I really wanted to just stare at them.

At the gym I always look like I despise everyone, that I'm too good for the gym only because I obviously feel insecure. And it's cliche but I only hate everyone because I don't like myself. *sad face*

So to make myself like myself, I'm going back on my diet, Getting invisalign, and contacts. My diet excludes rice, wheat, potato, and refined sugar.

Today I forgot my water bottle. I felt so lost. with out it. Especially a the gym, I had to be one of those losers who don't bring a bottle and have to walk to the fountain every set. Lame.

I keep a log of what exercises I do and what weight I use so that I can see my progress but then I put it into my palm pilot. I think that I should switch to a notebook because I always feel scared that I'm gonna drop something on it and also in a note book it's a lot bigger and easier to see it all at once. On my palm pilot you don't really have excell programs.


Anonymous said...

White guys are always hot.

sleepyboy said...

anonymous: Mmm well that was a delicious piece of racism.