Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Wow I just ate some Lay ruffled chips and now I have a horrible head ache. This is probably the first time I've eaten chips in a long long time. Like at least a year. This is just more proof that junk food is the devil.


Anonymous said...

Eating potato chips might not be good for your health! D:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dylan, will you marry me?

Anonymous said...


You spelled potato wrong. That must mean *politically incorrect comment*! Take that, *political party* scum!

Also, we should hang out later. Kookie misses joo, but not enough to pick up a phone. Because phones are also evil, no?

When are you free again?

sleepyboy said...

Kookie: Privet! Guess what? I'm in your house.

Pen: Yes, NO, and YES.

Anonymous said...

Crap, you know my name. <_<

Anonymous said...

Gotta' love spam. :/

sleepyboy said...

Kookie?: Well you don't unless you are an employee of Spam Inc.

Oh and can people sign your comments? That means you Penn and Kookie.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, and my name is spelled Pen, not "Kookie?" or "Penn"... <_<

sleepyboy said...

Pen: K thanks, it just gets confusing if you don't a name there.