Monday, June 23, 2008


Later in the week there is a guy in my Biology class that I strongly suspect that is gay. In my tutorial class he was talking to some girls and one of the asked him if he had a girlfriend. He said in his faggy voice "I don't swing that way" I instantly thought, "No shit fudge packer!". And the girl responded with "Really omg I had no idea!" then he said, "Yeah no one ever thinks I am-sp.". Yeah, maybe not to your gay face they don't. "The first time I laid eyes on him I thought "Psshh who are you trying to kid homo." And then when I asked him something and I first heard his voice I was like "Yep you smoke pole."

A lot of times I can pick out the queers from the steers. I think most queer people can say this.

There is this show called "Gay, Straight, Or Taken" and there are three guys and one girl and she has to figure out which one is which. If she picks the single straight guy she wins a trip with him. Like nine times out of ten I got it right and I picked them out from the very start. I think there are subtle mannerisms and accents that gay people can detect which makes it so easy for us to pick out others. I guess having had to hide for so many years you can tell when someone else is hiding something, especially hiding queerness.

Seeing that I can so easily pick out gay people, I wonder how obvious I am. I think jury is out on weather I act gay or not. Though there are times where I definitely am obvious but when I put it on people can't tell. Once I participated in a event called "Guess the Straight Person" where there is a panel of participants and the crowd gets to ask the whole panel questions. Then at the end of the questioning period they vote on your sexuality. It's suppose to break down stereotypes. When they voted on me they voted 12 gay and 11 straight and 2 bi. Clearly I polarize people.


Anonymous said...

ye ur pretty obvious

..... said...

i guess im as good as this game as u !!! but if it's easy knowin who are straight, gay or bi when they're young, it's much harder when the guy is 40 yo !!

sleepyboy said...

mr style: Yes as people get older they are better at lying.