Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Well, I complete wasted today. I just milled about, I didn't even clean my room. But I am thinking of reading this book called Stud Starch. The back cover says this:

"Bobo and Kerry discover a nude beach in Malibu where the actions is as good as the exhibition. On the isolated beach, they find themselves horsing around withe the sensuous studs who are ready to make love at the drop of a towel. When Kerry gets a job at the each, both boys enter a carnal world of promiscuous sex. The climax leaves them- and you-ready for more!!"

Pretty great huh? For my party this weekend, I'm unsure about what to do for entertainment. Board games/charades? Maybe I could have a quiz where the topic of all the questions is me and the winner gets a prize.


Anonymous said...

1. Is the title actually Stud Starch or is it Stud Search?

2. Where did you get that? It sounds like one of those pulp novels from the 50's. I found a lesbian one like that at my gram's when she died.

3. Why not read aloud from your book at the party? You can select one boy from the partygoers to reenact the climactic love scene with you.

4. Definitely don't do board games at a party. Something more active like charades or win lose or draw.

sleepyboy said...

zach: No no..... it's starch.