I could completely see this shirt being priced at $30. Under the robot it says "I'm programed to be awesome"
Here is another example I found in a different secondhand store. A more up scale one in the hierarchy of second hand stores. It's a Ralph Lauren curling sweater ie because you see loads of curlers wear them when they play. And this would probably have gone for about $200 somthing US but I got it for just over $40.

I have many other treasures but I'm not active enough to take pictures of them.
Edit: An unforked version.

the t-shirt is nice! good buy
queer asian: For 2 bucks pretty much anything is. Except maybe a loonie.
I LOVE the pattern in the sweater. I really really do. I'm not sure about the neck thing that's going on there, but I would try to make it work just because of that pattern. In fact this is the best sweater pattern I have ever seen
Just in time for the cold weather!
I like the t-shirt.
I used to get t-shirts at St. Vincent DePaul's in college, but after a while I had to stop because they soaked them in kerosene or something (I guess to kill the AIDs) and the smell would never come out no matter how much you washed them. So if you don't smell kero on those, you will probably die of AIDs shortly after wearing them, fyi. ;)
london preppy: Opps. It's not suppose to be like that. It's supposed to turn down sorta like a lapel? You can sorta see it in the back view how there is supposed to be a collar. I'll post a new picture to clarify.
zach: Ummmm..... I don't know if you noticed, but I'm a ninja, I'll just Krate Chop that shit. But yes these clothes I get are not dowsed in high octane hydrocarbons.
Technically that's a ladies' sweater as it is an American designer and the buttons appear to be on the left.
And doesn't it mean something particular about you if your second toe is larger than your first?
zach: Weird, I've never heard of this tidbit of gender fascism.
That I have super powers?
zach: After a bunch of image google'ing of cardigan sweaters you seem to be right, even though I can't find any site that says specifically about that. Clearly the way in which the flaps overlay is overtly masculine and feminine.
It doesn't just apply to sweaters, it's all shirts/jackets/bondage gear where the buttons are on the left.
I will guarantee you, however, that no one who would actually know this will think ill of you for wearing a ladies sweater. Those who would look down upon it are too dumb to know the difference.
I have a girls track jacket that I love and of course no one has ever noticed which side the zipper pull is on.
zach: Yes I've figured that out by asking my brothers girlfriend about her clothes.
Well I bet they did notice and didn't say anything about it....to your face. I'm sure no one will notice, the shirt seems unisex enough. I can't see it being especially feminine.
zach: Oh yeah the toe thing, I'm either smart or a serial killer. I'll let the people decide on that.
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