Monday, April 21, 2008

Volunteer Symphony

Today I went to the symphony with my lesbian couple friends. They are some of my best friends in the world I might add. I did make the kind gesture to invite my 56 year old Mother along with. Basically because in her sheltered life, she has never been (nor have I but I'm 19) and she really doesn't go out much and I thought this might be nice for her and also a chance for her to meet my friends so that she feels like she can trust me with them. It's such an ordeal going out with my Mom anywhere, first she takes forever to get ready but has the gumption to yell at you scornfully to "get ready quick!". I ended up dressing her because that was what was taking her so long to get ready. I know that's so gay that I dressed my mother *sigh*... not that it's a bad thing :). She also talks about things I usually don't care about and I feint interest in the form of gazing forward and nodding. Adding to the aggravation we went down town, a place she doesn't know how to drive around so well, but we have a map and know the address which would seem like comfort enough but she still freaks out and I have to get her to breath in and out for me and tell her to just trust me and we will be fine.

The symphony was good, but not bone chilling good. Maybe if they played Beethoven's 9th, that's always a crowd pleaser and makes me all watery eyed. This was a Volunteer's appreciation event, my lesbian friends love volunteering, so do I but in a very different way - I'll write it later, and it was hosted by some woman comedian. She was alright but not that mind blowing, she talked between pieces. The conductor though was French Canadian and was tiny as hell(5'2 is my guess...well i was looking from above....) The last piece of music they played was really beautiful and thrilling and of course my mother was about to fall asleep.

On the drive home we picked up some Churches Chicken, which by the way kicks the shit those dry salty pieces of turds people call KFC. When I eat it I take off the skin because I'm not crazy, but then suddenly I have a psychotic episode and end up eating them anyways.

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