Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Daft Punk

So if you haven't seen this video you really need to. I won't say much of what it is but it's evident once you get in. All I will say is that someone needs to do this in a club for all to see!

I think they are eastern European judging from their facial features and the preamble. I've seen that "Kiss" thing numerous times from Czech people. I won't say from where but it involves a web cam........ I didn't buy any!!! I just talked to them sheesh!

Also I realize that yesterdays post I was a bit over zealous. But the over all gist of it is true, I idolize then try to completely copy that person. which sounds like I might steal your life and then kill you and then live it as my own but I would never go that far, I don't have the organization and multitasking abilities it takes to do that. Maybe Tony Robins could help me with that.

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