Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Here I stew, 5:35 in the morning, in envy looking at the myspaces of pretty people; fashion people. When did this come about? When did I pick up this cancer? Was it society? Probably. Telling me I'm not good enough because I'm Asian, Gay, 5'9'', and not rocking a body ripped out of it's gourd. Why do we let this happen? B.Scott here says it best. If you haven't heard of B.Scott he's a gay YouTuber that makes regular posts and has a website of his own. I vehemently recommend that you check him out. He's no jock but he sure is jocular :D .

B.Scott says it best here. If only those words could penetrate my dense cranium and diffuse into the crevasses of my mind. I must remember my blessings and gifts and believe in them and myself and know that I AM a good person and deserving. I need to focus and know where I am going and push ahead, PUSH HARD.

"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to get what I want"

If you are wondering what was so envy inducing, here they are:


Maybe I'm just like this because I ate a whole chocolate man. No it was not the Archangel of confectionery goodness that is bittersweet chocolate, but the Beelzebub named milk chocolate. Ingesting this homme du chocolat was a purely symbolic gesture as thanks to my lesbian friend for crafting it pour moi.

1 comment:

sleepyboy said...

zach: Yes I agree with all the points that you make but did you actually check out those links? If you did you wouldn't say that. They have very nice pictures and it's not because they are using camera trickery, it's cause they are photogenic!.........................lol fat girl lol....