Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Working Out

So today I return to working out. It's pretty exciting because I somehow feel like it'll work this time and that it'll stick. And I stuck to my diet pretty darn well until I went to my friends house and we ate a pizza between the two of us. I need to start a Food Journal and a Work Out Journal. Maybe I'll post it on here so that I feel accountable to people to who read this which is not many. Today I worked out with Gymboy. Gymboy has be going to the gym quite regularly and it's showing. He's getting quite sexy and it annoys me. His arms are bigger and his waist gets smaller. I'll show him. We do the stair climber at the start. I do 30 minutes on fat burner because I need all the help I can get on level 12. This leaves me in a puddle of my own sweat and pretty satisfied. I join up with Gymboy at the weights and we do the bench press. I do 35's and do reps of 10 then 8 then 4 then 2. I have grown quite weak and feel kinda silly but it's progress I guess. He does 45's quite easy and while he does this I sorta ogle him and his narrow waist and broad shoulders. I perhaps have to put some protein into my diet. Maybe I need shakes? We do back and I think the weight is around 100 with reps of 10 all the way through. Then shoulders with 25's for me and I do 10, 10, 8. By the end I'm jittery with so much tiredness and adrenaline. Why can't I just wake up tomorrow and look like this? This is currently on my desktop as my background. Damn him.
Or this fool. Parker Gregory. He has the lean toned look that I want although he may be a bit boob heavy.

Today I ate tomatoes, bran cereal, half a pizza, curry soup thing, broccoli, water.


nickabouttown said...

Hey, I just stumbled upon your blog, and if I may suggest, you should check out FitDay.com. It is a great website for food journal purposes. You can pick from their database of foods, or you can enter in your own custom ones. I also discovered they have a deal with DietFacts.com, that if you eat out and find the nutritional information (scary as it is), you can export it directly to FitDay.

I use it everyday except weekends, and it is pretty awesome. I've also been using my blog for the accountability thing, too, and I'm coordinating a "Biggest Loser" contest amongst my friends.

Wow...I sound like an infomercial. :) Good Luck!

Frontier Psychiatrist said...

I'm new to it, but I'm enjoying your blog. Good work 1. working out and 2. posting about it to feel accountable.

For whatever reason, I kind of want to be boob-heavy. Not too much, obviously, but perhaps like Parker Gregory.

Anonymous said...

Too boob heavy? Wow, you are picky. I think he looks great. You totally need to get that competition thing going with your gym friend! Seriously, that is one of the top motivators. Show him!

sleepyboy said...

Anon/Kookie: Lol you are pretty much the devil. Your house is full of temptation and you know it!

Fitnessnerd: Thanks I'll check it out even though I've already tried sparkpeople.

frontier psychiatrist: Thanks! Yeah if I just one day woke up and had pecs like him I wouldn't complain.

zach: Well this is all hypothetical, and being hypothetical means that I can choose my ideal body so in that sense I can be picky. Like I said about if I woke up with his pecs I wouldn't be complaining. Yeah I should. We'll show tha'basterds!