Sunday, November 11, 2007

Armani Exchange

I recently went through the hiring procedure for Armani Exchange. I thought that it was going well but really it was just a bust. Even though I tried my best I don't think I was tall enough or thin enough. I made it all the way to the second interview. They said that if I don't hear from them in 5 business days that they decided to go with someone else and that they will keep me on record. Which means they are going to throw it away. I mean I'm not sure what I expected but maybe I thought they would have gone on a limb and hired me anyways even though I don't have any retail clothing experience and that my cousin works there. I have a year of customer service which I thought was enough. But again I wasn't good looking enough. I mean it is an overpriced brand and it's on Robson ( the local higher end shopping street) so I guess they want the best looking people. Also I'm young compared to the people that work there too. They are all 20 somethings even though I'm 19. Ugg I can't believe they wouldn't hire me, a gay boy, but they hired some clueless looking straight boys.

The guy that interviewed me was gay and I thought that might give me an edge. Nope! It's because he's white, and probably on his man hunt it says no GAM's (Gay Asian Males). It's pretty typical, people hire people they want to fuck, what else is new? What else do you see in the media but gay white males? What do you think of when you think about gay men; I know that's what I see in my head, two white guys. Isn't that sad? I think it's super sad. In the media there might be some ethnic gay men but they are usually flaming. It's like the only masculine gay men can be white. I mean just look at the portrayal of Asian men in the media? They are some weird sexless entity, they might as well be eunuchs! Either we are some kinda weird punky gangsters, Kung Fu masters, or some nerdy smart guys that work for white guys. It's pretty sickening. They are never fully realized men. Just look at fucking Jacky Chan. What a fucking joke! He can never get the girl and his partner always gets it and his partner is always black or white. I mean that is fucked and he's always their sidekick. Not partner. Saying all that there was an Asian guy working there but he was taller and skinnier than me. So it just makes me think that I'm just this fat midget that is super unemployable. I'll have to start going to the gym hardcore.

At least the look for men is more healthy than it is for women. I mean I'm not saying that every needs to look like a model but taking both into account it's probably easier to be a guy. And it's healthier because for guys you just need to put on muscle and get rid of fat which is made easier by having muscle. But for girls they just have to get skinnier and skinnier.

Hmm that's all the rambling I can muster right now.

edit: It's not because of prejudice, it's because I failed the phone test that tests to see who is a dirty stealer so then they think that I am. And can't hire me because I failed it even if they don't think this about me, company policy.


Anonymous said...

You kind of set yourself up for this one, didn't you? It sounds like you knew they were stuck-up bitches at that store and maybe you were hoping for their approval? Well guess what...Armani Exchange is so tacky that in a couple of years you would be embarrassed to have worked there! You seem intelligent, so you can do much better than that place!

sleepyboy said...

Zach: Oh I knew that place is tacky! I've never their clothes! Most of their clothes just consist of basics with their stupid logo plastered all over it. And if it isn't it's just plain ugly and super trendy and wearing them would only get you to look like a fashion victim. I just applied there because my cousin worked there and I thought that that it would make it easier for me to get the job that's all. Also because their clothes are expensive (regardless of how crap they are) Oh and apparently It's not because of how I look.

(aside: my self image has come a long way since then, I no longer think that I'm ugly instead, dare I say, cute?)

The guy who interviewed me told my cousin that they liked me and wanted to hire me but that I failed the phone survey thing that they made me do. It's suppose to test you to see if you are a person that would steal from them. Apparently the phone survey thinks I'm an asshole that would rob them blind given half an opportunity.Oh but you don't know where I worked at the time of that post. I worked in a movie theater and not a classy one either, one in a mall. It was pretty horrendous. I'll make a post about it.