Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm Shallow

Hmm it's kinda apparent that I'm shallow. If you took a cursory look at my blogroll it's quite filled with good looking guys. Hmm I don't know if I'm shallow though. I am for sure concerned with my looks but not so much about the looks of other people. Unless I'm going to do them. Even then I'm sure I'll be flexible. Oh the curse of being gay and having unrealistic goals. It's weird when people say that. Is it truly unrealistic? I mean there are people that look like that walking around all the time. I see them in the gym. They go to school and still have nice bodies. You're face you can't do much about but your body you sure can. I'm also concerned that the blogs I look at are filled with white guys. Hmm I don't dislike Asian guys. I actually have a few crushes on a few right now. Hmm I'll need to correct this. But how can I correct this with out ending up at a creepy website devoted to fetishizing Asian guys? Well you could say that these websites that I have right now are doing the same things but for white guys. Well they are mostly white, but regardless.

Maybe I just want people to like me so that's why I care about how I look and not how they look. SIgh. Either way I'm starting a workout regiment to slim me down and build me up. Maybe I'll post some pictures from before and after.


Anonymous said...

"Shallow" typically has a negative connotation attached. Do you believe you are shallow? And do you see that as a negative thing about you (if it does, in fact, describe you)? If so, is that something you'd like to change/are working to be a person for whom that is not an accurate descriptor? Or maybe this blog topic is merely an observation?

sleepyboy said...

Ramsay?: Yes I do think at times I can be very shallow and I do see that as a negative thing (is it ever a positive thing?). Hmm yes I didn't even brush on weather or not I am trying to not be shallow. Well I think it would be a good thing not to be shallow right? But doesn't everyone have to be shallow/discriminating in a way either looks or personality or smarts or whatever makes you attracted to people? I mean Gay men discriminate against women because they aren't men and the same goes for any other kind of sexuality. I guess that is just the nature of sexual attraction. And for that matter why is it more ok to discriminate based on personality but not looks, both are relatively unchangeable and sorta inherent in each person. I guess because looks are arguably less important, but even that is arguable! So I guess what I'm trying to say is that yes when I do look are really good looking guys ( and when I say good looking I typically refer to the good looking that you would consider male models to be, yes I know I am quite socialized!) I kinda swoon over them. Actually anyone for that matter. I try not to act nicer to good looking people, I try to treat everyone equally really nice. But if you placed two guys in front of me and I didn't know them at all I would choose the one I think is the "hot" one. And I use quotes because not everyone has the same idea of what is "hot" and "ugly" is. Hmm maybe I'm not so shallow after all. No wait yes yes I am, If you could take a look through my folders you would find my folders full of models. NOW THAT is pretty shallow! God I think I'll have to make another post about this too! LOL I'm getting so many new post ideas from the comments!