Sunday, May 15, 2011

I don't want to play anymore, I don't like this game.

A few hot guys came into the store I work at. Oh yeah I'm working now. Take that AX!!! Having hot guys come into my store and me talking to them asking if they needed any help with shoes was not as fun as I thought. It just really made me feel bad about being gay and about liking guys I had no chance with. At least straight guys going for girls 'out of their league' still have a chance because they are guys and the girls are straight. Or like they could impress them by like working out a lot or by having a personality they like. I'm gay and only queer guys will like me and that pool of queer guys that like me and that I like and find attractive in my age group is pretty small. I feel pretty small. I felt like the creepy gay guy, the stereotype, the annoyance. It didn't feel good. I don't like it. At that point I felt really bad and was wishing that there were other queer people that worked at the store too and then in walked the new guy. He seemed gay,I hope he is gay, I tried to talk to him some and I'm going to work with him today too. I'm gonna try to friend him.

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