Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fight Or Flight

So far I'm a wreck.
I've missed two archaeology quizes and a chemistry midterm. I Know I can get a note from my doctor with whom I have told everything to. She understands what kind of mental sturm und drang I am going through. I just don't want to throw everything away. I am pretty close to finishing out the semester and I'll have to have a laser focus to catch up and make up things i've missed. It's alot of work but seeing as I only have two courses and apparently I'm really good at archaeology it's really just one course I need to over haul it is doable but I just don't know if i can handle the stress of it all. I've asked my doctor to prescribe me a high dose of sertraline to see if it can calm down my nerves. We will see. I really hope I choose to fight.

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