Ultimate Frisbee is my sport of choice. There are a few reasons for this. I don't really like sports that are very
agro. In basket ball and football it's just so macho in the bad way and it pisses me off. And Ultimate is a very welcoming atmosphere usually and easy going.

I'm starting a queer positive Ultimate team and I think it's going to go really well. I've been on my high school team and a junior national team, and my University team but I've never connected to my teammates that well. I don't what puts up that wall. Some how I just can't connect to straight men, not that they are idiots or anything but it's just that I can't relate in some strange way. Maybe it's the fear, you are always thinking "Who is actually
OK with this? How gay is too gay? How much can they really handle? Are they going to understand or are they going to be a jerk about it?". I think there is just more of a base comfort with gays. I think this is the main reason why we need this kind of team. So that
GLBTQ people who thought they could never play on a team because of homophobia and the fear of being found out can finally can.
Right now we have a plethora of lesbians that want to play but we have one gay guy (me) and a bi guy. The thing with ultimate is that it's a binary, meaning you have to have certain ratios of women to men on the field at the same time, this is just to keep it "fair". Some people think this is sexist but all PC stuff aside. Men and women will never compete in the same professional leagues. Guys genetically just have the potential to be stronger faster than women do. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not saying that a woman can never beat a guy. I'm sure there are a lot of women players that are better than me. For men it's just much much easier to pack on the muscle than it is for women. If we are just being real on the average men are stronger than women, women have to train much harder than men to be just as strong. You will never see a woman and a man boxing. I'm sorry if there was a team that was all men playing ultimate against a team of all women (depending on who they are) in general I would bet on the men to win. Men usually are taller and faster. The top
woman's team in Ultimate could never beat the top
men's team. There is just no way around it. Some people are giving me shit about this but really I don't think that I'm wrong to say that I want more men on the team. I was to stay competitive and that means more men. And plus what am I suppose to look at. I mean I like lesbians and all but I thought this was for me too and that means more gay men. Also in sports I think it's harder to be a gay man than it is to be a gay woman because a gay man is seen to be weaker and soft while a gay woman is seen to be tougher and stronger. And the world of sports tougher and stronger is usually a good thing. So I don't think it's bad to want to give more gay guys the chance to play even if it means I'm actively seeking them out and not doing the same for lesbians. I mean I'll still look for lesbians but I'll just try harder for the