Friday, June 25, 2010

The Gay Male Body

After reading this article I have a few things to say about body image and the public discourse around it.

To work out doesn't mean that you have body dysmorphia, even if you do it solely to look a certain way.

People have the right to alter their appearance.

Blasting people who choose to work out and alter their appearance is the same as blasting people who don't work out.

To make the assumption that you can only be a really 'interesting' person on the inside or a person who cares about what they look like and thus work out is insane.

To say the only way someone could have big muscle is through steroids is sour grapes.

To say that the only acceptable reason someone could have to work out is for health reasons or improved athletic ability is misguided.

I'm not saying there is no issue here to talk about, I think we should continually talk about it. There are few things in this world that don't deserve constant questioning.

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