Monday, March 22, 2010

This is weird.

Do people actually read this blog? I mean my site meter tells me I get hits but rarely does anyone leave me a message. So if you read my blog and are in some way a fan/reader can you leave me a comment?


Anonymous said...

Dude you're awesome. Most people that would stumble upon yours (or anyone else's) blogs are usually just lurkers, myself included.

Maybe it's just me, but reading something without ever knowing anything about the author (as in talking to them/commenting through where they post) just seems more real than following up with them on what they wrote. It's like you just accept what they've shown to the world, unless you take it that next step to tell them how you disagree or had enjoyed reading it.

But really, why would you care if people read it? It's your blog and it's available to anyone that would ever search it. Do you write it for other people, or do you write it for yourself?

sleepyboy said...

I'm kinda just curious if the hits I'm getting are from people who keep coming back or they are just random hits. I write it for myself but it's nice to know that people think it's cool or funny or whatnot. I think if I knew people read it and wanted to read it and wanted more I might post more often.

Jennie said...

Your graphic pic caught my eye...have ever tried ?

sleepyboy said...

I have and it's embarrassing.

Jan Jo El said...

hey ther can i ask u sumthing? y do u hate everyone doesnt it hurt to hate ur self ?!! i asked coz it hurts me u knw.. ya i just accidentally got into ur blog i may not cum bak again but i liked reading it i ll try nd cum bak any time by the way nice graphic pic so i am leaving hav a great lif byeee

sleepyboy said...

It does hurt to hate yourself. I think secretly everyone hates everyone including themselves. This is just sorta a blog about my frustrations with the world and myself. The posts are the extremes of what I experience at times. Things here shouldn't be taken too seriously.

LaToya said...

I like reading deep, meaningful blog.

When I'm home, I usually vent my thoughts via my diary (ain't brave enough to share it online)

Please check out my new blog