Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Facebook Graffiti in Progress

edit 3 hours later

Update(2 days later): MOTHER FUCKING SHIT

Because of microsofts infinite wisdom they automatically updated my computer with out my explicit say so, ie pressing an okay button, and in doing so they restarted my computer thus making me lose all my work I've done on this so far. I am on the brink of genocide, all I have to decide is what kind it's going to be. Indiscriminate? International? Domestic? I guess I'll just play it by ear

1 comment:

Racheyy_x said...

I was just skipping through other peoples blogs and yours caught my eye, I don't really know how aha, but it did (:

I read one of your recent posts so I thought i'd leave a comment on one of your older posts.
I'm pretty new to this whole blog thing and I think that your blog is alright (:
Better than mine (:

Oh, and I know how you feel about the site meter and that people have looked at the blog but don't actually comment, it is annoying. The number of profiles views I've had is nothing compared to yours though :/