Saturday, August 30, 2008

DOSA Some Crazy Clothes.

So today I've gone out in a completely ridiculous outfit. It looks like I am a mod hipster from London. It was pretty great. Maybe I'll post a new picture up on here so you can see the ridiculousness. I got dressed up because I took my friend Kookie out to dinner for dosa's, an eggplant alu dosa to be exact. Dosa's are a South Indian cuisine which consists of a very thin crispy crepe rolled around a delicious curry filling. This eggplant dosa is heaven on earth. These are served with a small soup, and two condiments one of coconut and one of I'm not sure what but it's spicy. If you are to trust my friend's judgment she's gave this dinner 9/10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They were quite nummy. :D
Hello kitty!