Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Foolus Maximus

Today wasn't bad but it aggravating for about 4 hours. I had my organic chem lab and there is this guy in there that pissed me off to no end. I just feel like the he should get deported. I mean I'm just being reasonable. He's pretty much the largest (and I do mean "largest") fool I've met in a long long time.

Firstly he's an idiot. Every lab he screws something up. Either he breaks a thermometer or vacuum tube or splashes me with water when he's trying to set up his cooling system. He's quite the f**k up. Hopefully he'll just accidentally break a test tube and it will accidentally get jabbed brutally into his throat. Secondly he breaths so very loudly, it sounds like he's a serial killer just waiting to screw up my experiment. This may sound like a small thing but it drives me insane and I've decided that he's a psycho. Thirdly he's fat. Usually this doesn't make me hate someone. I was fat once myself and still have fat to lose but he's a special kind of fat. The "unaware of their own size" fat person. He bumps into me all the time. I could have been standing there for 10 minutes and he would still bump into me. And he does this while I'm doing very precise things and yet he feels the need that I need some gentle nudging that drives me up the wall.

Other than that hell hole it was a pretty good day. Not so much stress. Just hung out with some friends at school.


Pacifica said...

He probably is a killer.

Anonymous said...

You should feel sorry for him. He could be really cool and totally fun, but no one gives him a chance because he's fat. Tsk tsk tsk.

sleepyboy said...

zach: Oh I feel sorry for him! But you can completely hate someone and feel sorry for them at the same time! And no he's not a cool/fun person from what he has shown me. Also I actually perceive him to be a little "slow". And I totally have fat friends, even bigger than he is. It's not that he's fat. As a former fatty fatty fat fat I know the pain so I'm not mean to fatties. But JEBUS stop nudging me and fucking up my experiment!!! I paid to be in the class and I'll be damn if some fatty is gonna nudge me and screw up my yield making me get a crappy mark!