So today went alright. I went to my organic chem tutorial and it was really informative. The TA does a good job of explaining it very simply unlike others that shall remain unnamed. Then I went to my REM 100 (resource and environmental management) and my Professor referred to Frankenstein and he incorrectly called Frankenstein's monster Frankenstein. I told him that it was Dr. Frankenstein and not the monster. He said that he knew but that's what people think anyways. Seriously he's doing no one any favours. He looks ignorant and loses points with the students that do know this and to the ones that are under this illusion are left ignorant. I mean really, could he not have taken that moment to enlighten those who didn't know. He is a teacher after all.
After I went to class I went to the space (the queer group common room) and sat around not talking to the "queers" whom were being quite annoying. This fall semester it's pretty busy and it kinda annoys me because there are just so many people running around they are SO LOUD! It used to feel like my second home because it would be quite and I would just use it all the time.This time around though there is a friend in the space that seems to be into me now. His name will be Gymboy. I met him last fall when I first started coming to the space but he was kinda chubby. He's lost about 20 pounds now and has put on some muscle and he's looking pretty good from where I'm standing. His shoulders are nice broad and he has a narrow waist. He's invited me to go swimming the next day which I agreed to. He's in direct competition with Swimboy now. I'm torn. Gymboy has the better body but I feel like I get along with swim boy better. I should just have a 3 way with them. I'm pretty torn as Natalie would say.
Today I also when to donate blood. If you didn't know in Canada you can't donate blood if you are a man who has had sex with men even one time since 1977. So I lied ok! What's the big deal, it's not like I'm a rent boy or anything. And I wasn't the only one! There was this huge flamer there that could not hide his sin if he wanted to. He was wearing a cable knit sweater, the kind with the zipper in the collar that can open up and come down into a triangle kinda thing. Wow if that wasn't enough evidence for you he talked on his phone and it was a typical gay nazely voice. He then started to drink his juice box quite gaily. I was sitting with Callipygian Venus ( real life/blog friend) and I pointed him out and said, "I can't even stand it, look at the INFERNO that's happening over there in the refreshment area." If I were the one to screen him I would have been like, "Come on now... for reals? ". My other friend Cyberite( real life/blog friend) was denied because she didn't have enough iron in her blood. Possibly from being vegetarian.
That kid was so flaming I'm surprised he wasn't wearing a fricken rainbow sweater.
I can't believe your school has a separate area for queer folk. That's kind of ghettofied. It seems like segregation. I mean, it's cool if you like it, but if you're going there because you are uncomfortable around straight people, it's not doing you any favors.
Zach: Actually this space is completely inclusive, You don't have to be queer to hang out there and the gay people aren't forced to only hang out there, and by no means do all the gay people at school come there, a very small minority go. The reason I go there is because it has a sense of community because the same people go in there everyday and it's a plus that I've made really really good friends there. We have some straight people hang out there too. No I'm not uncomfortable around straight people, in fact there are a few straight boys I would like to get to know, it's just nice to be around people who understand what it's like to be queer. Also we talk a lot about gay things there and I think straight people would get bored if that's all I talked about. I get along just fine with straight people, I have a bunch of straight friends.
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